To get you on the right track, I’d love to know a little more about your jazz piano background & goals.

This questionnaire should take just a minute to complete. Don’t have a minute? Just give us your Name and Email
or contact directly by phone  917 – 696 – 5142 (mobile) or by Email:

I've never played jazz
I've dabbled
I've studied in the past
I'm a current jazz student
I'm a professional jazz musician
Choose as many as you like
I play/played another instrument
I play/played classical
I play/played rock/pop tunes
I know how to read music
I know how to sight read music
I know what a chord is
I know where middle C is
I listen to jazz occasionally
Choose as many as you like
Improve my technique (play better)
Expand my repertoire (play more)
Understand jazz/music theory
Become a professional
Connect with the jazz world

Choose as many as you like
Choose as many as you like
This question is required.*